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OlliOlli World really sucked me in

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OlliOlli World really sucked me in

Messagepar rodeone » 16 Fév 2023, 09:28

OlliOlli World might be the strangest skateboarding game of all time. It takes place in a fictional realm called Radlandia, which is ruled by skate gods, where players train continuously to become a skate wizard by grinding their way through haunted deserts and mystical forests. It looks and sounds like a long-lost animated series on Adult Swim. But even with all of the oddball humor and bizzaro levels, OlliOlli World still manages to capture the soul of skateboarding — and it’s a hell of a lot of fun.

The larger levels are a lot of fun to explore, because another benefit of the shift away from 2D is the proper introduction of alternate routes. You can either jump or shift to different paths through a stage, taking you down a detour with new obstacles to overcome and opportunities to pull off sick tricks. The OlliOlli games have always had optional challenges in each stage, but in World, they're far more diverse, and really play into those various routes to encourage you to see everything.

If you’re unfamiliar, the OlliOlli games are sidescrollers that task you with getting from the left-side of the level to the right-side in the gnarliest way possible. It’s a great little system, taking the stick-based trick system from EA’s Skate series and applying it to the die-and-retry side-scroller formula. In a way, it boils skateboarding down to the barest essentials. You’re presented with a sick line, and you simply must nail it.

Everything in OlliOlli World is bursting with color and energy. You’ll roll through deserts with walking cacti in the background, and factories filled with disturbing industrial goo. The final world is a surreal take on Las Vegas. It’s a lot of fun just to look at, but it has also given the level designers the liberty to go wild. Initially levels are fairly straightforward, but eventually you’ll have to deal with moving platforms, destructible bridges, moving trains, branching paths, and giant purple crystals. The scale can be incredible; often times I was holding my breath as I chained together tricks across impossible distances.

And, wow, the game has a lot of customisation going on. A complex menu — perhaps a little too crowded if anything — is rammed with dozens, if not hundreds, of clothing items, boards, trucks, full body suits, animations, and more. You can also change your body shape, size, and skin tone to create basically whoever you want to be your skating avatar. It's nothing we haven't seen in a game before, but again, it's a far cry from the one nondescript skater dude found in the older titles.

Maybe the most important thing about OlliOlli World is that it’s playful. It encourages experimentation, whether it’s with how you approach an obstacle or how you want your character to look. That’s really the essence of skate culture: creativity on a board. OlliOlli World captures that — and then puts its own bizarre twist on it.

Buying some OlliOlli World Account is much easier. We know most of you are looking for a secure, fast, and professional site to buy OlliOlli World Account. can be your first choice since we can provide fast and cheap OlliOlli World Account for you.
Messages: 1
Inscription: 16 Fév 2023, 09:18

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